Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner and Service

The mayor and state representatives were on hand.

The president of Putnam Science Academy welcomed us all.

The food was delicious as always.

Cheryl Kapelner-Champ helped start the Service.

John Etheridge was the MCee for the night.

This was the 2nd annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Service held at the Putnam Science Academy. The evening was a celebration of the diverse community of Putnam both in it's faith and cultural diversity. The service was a fitting occasion to the beginning of the holidays. We'd like to thank Putnam Science Academy for hosting the event. We'd also like to thank the sponsors: Peace Island Institute, Putnam Lions Club, Putnam Rotary Club, and all the help from the students at Putnam Science Academy as well. It was a wonderful event.